Audio Video Specialists Serving Cobb, Cherokee, Forsyth, Pickens, Bartow, & Parts of Fulton Counties.

Movers And Shakers
Griffin Technology Services is a leading provider of cutting-edge low voltage services. Offering scalable solutions for residences & businesses of all sizes. Founded by Joey & Mandy Griffin in 2015, today we offer smart, innovative services to hundreds of clients across the Metro Atlanta area. Design and installation of media rooms, outdoor audio/video, wifi network solutions, theater rooms, and security & surveillance are just a few of the services we offer to our clients. Why not join our fast growing client base? Get in touch today to learn more.
Problem Solvers & Dream Makers
At Griffin Technology Services, our comprehensive technological solutions help home owners & business alike achieve their automated lifestyle or workspace. We can make your space work for you to stay connected, secure, and easy to control. We always find the right solution for our clients and we stay within their budget.

"The best way to predict the future is to create it"